The prescription of the single bath is given, which could finish the process of developing and fixing plates in one step.
The dynamic simulation method for tray absorber dry-plate initiation;
The dry plate pressure drop of conventional sieve tray and taper sieve tray were measured with the air system in a 500 perspex-tower.
在一个5 0 0mm的有机玻璃塔中 ,以空气为物系 ,测试了普通筛孔塔板和锥形筛孔塔板的干板压降。
The dry plate pressure drop of common sieve trays , lower taper sieve trays and upper taper sieve trays are studied in this paper, As to big perforation sieve, the modified coefficient(1.
The sensitivity of a holographic plate was concerned with the dynamic process of silver atoms and photoelectrons,and this dynamic characteristic made the holographic plate have different sensitive efficiency for different exposure time scales.
The time response of holographic plate to pulse laser is very important for holography of fast moving objects, especially for the particle field holography.
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