Sivlver brush plating on aluminium and aluminium alloys is realized by the application of hydrochloric acid electrolytic etching method and copper brush plating transition layer.
通过盐酸电解浸蚀法及电刷镀铜过渡 ,实现铝及铝合金上电刷镀银 ,确定铝及铝合金电刷镀银的一种刷镀工艺 ,提高了镀层耐腐蚀强度 ,得到了外观和结合力均良好的银镀层 ,同时增加镀铜层厚度 ,相对减少镀银层厚度 ,不影响其它指标 ,节省了镀银药液 ,降低了成本 ,并在实际生产中得到了验
Introduced reducing basic electrical bill,enhancing power factor,increasing voltage rank,eliminating high energy consumption equipment,rearranged production by using the difference electrovalence with peak,plane and vale,used frequency conversion control,adopted new electricity saving measure and electricity saving technology so on.
It is pointed out:the unity with electrochemical enterprises is necessary for existing of chlorate enterprises, and purchasing electricity with net connecting is the way for them to develop and strengthen.
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