Study on Half Explosion of Non-primary Detonator Due to Inversion;
The Inversion of the Burden of Proof Should be Applied Also in This Case or Not;
On inversion of the burder of proof in criminal action;
The burden of proof of the crime of holding a large amount of property with unidentified sources remains really inverted.
This is the so-called duty reversion of putting to the proof.
刑事诉讼中一般由控方承担证明责任 ,但是在某些特定情况下 ,控方只需证明初步事实的存在 ,其他与被指控犯罪相关的事实的证明责任则转由被告方承担 ,如果被告方不能证明相关事实 ,则要承担对其不利的推定 ,这就是证明责任的倒置。
For inquiring into the stratagem of the hospital facing the reversal of the onus probandi after the“Medical Negligence Handing Regulation”, it is expounded in this article that carrying out the reversal of the onus probandi could meet the difficult point, and should adopt the corresponding countermeasures.
为探讨《医疗事故处理条例》颁布以后 ,医院面对举证倒置应采取的策略 ,本文阐述了实行举证倒置可能遇到的难点 ,以及应采取相应的对策 ,为在临床医疗实践中减少医疗纠纷发生提供参
With the enforcement of "Supplemented Regulations on Evidence in Civil Lawsuit" by the Supreme Court, an analysis on the reversal of the responsibility to raise evidence in medical lawsuit is made.
伴随着《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》正式实施 ,就医疗诉讼中举证责任倒置的问题进行简要地分析 ,阐述了为何在医疗诉讼中要举证责任倒置 ,以及医院如何正确面对医疗诉讼中的证据问
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