In accordance with the problems that it is difficult for CW-type mill to achieve high precision size tolerance requirements and that CW-type mill is easy to burn bearing, some measures such as replacing single-side hanging with both-side hanging installing elastomer roll balance separator, improving the locking and sealing unit of roll bearing, etc.
And it put emphasis on introducing the application of elasticity cement material to train's draft gears-buffer of the draft gears made of the material, and also explained the excellence capability and the basic working principle of the gears, and recommended the research survey of the gears at home and abroad in briefly.
概述了目前国内外铁路列车车钩缓冲器应用的主要类型 ,重点介绍了弹性胶泥材料在铁路列车车钩缓冲器上的应用典范———弹性胶泥车钩缓冲器 ,以及其性能优点和基本工作原理 ,并简要介绍了国内外这种弹性胶泥缓冲器的研究概
Design of elastic colloid balance device and its usage in rolling mill;
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