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1)orange,橙色的2)orange,橙色3)Orange GDP,橙色GDP4)orange pigments,橙色素5)Lactarius akahatsu,橙色乳菇6)Citron egg,橙色卵


    Mn~(2+) ions form luminescent center of orange color emission with wavelength about 580 nm in the crystal,Cu~+ ions form not only luminescent center,but also Cu_xS which is indispensable to luminescence.

    Mn、Cu是ZnS电致发光材料常用的激活剂,Mn2+在晶体中形成橙色发光中心,发光中心波长580 nm;Cu+在晶体中不但形成发光中心,还形成发光所必需的CuxS,因此二者对发光亮度有明显的影响。

    Orange GDP and its Evolvement Regularity;


    After analysis of orange pigments produced by two different Monascus submerged in rice powder cultures,it was found that the orange pigments produced by Monascus fuliginosus were same to literature.


    rDNA ITS Analysis of Lactarius hatsudake,Lactarius semisanguifluus and Lactarius akahatsu;

    红汁乳菇、半血红乳菇及橙色乳菇的rDNA ITS序列分析

    The linkage and location of a citron egg gene (ci) whid was discovered in the silkworm, Bombyx mori by our laboratory was analysed through hybridization of the silkworms of Citron egg gene with the pure lines of different marker genes.

    用家蚕各连锁群的标志基因系统与本研究室发现的橙色卵系统杂交,对橙色卵基因( ci) 进行连锁检索分析,结果发现 ci 基因与第20 连锁群标志基因霜降油蚕( oh200 。