It had been proved that the pathogens were viral nervous necrosis virus,Microsporidians,Benedenia and some Vibrio.
By using PCR directed sequencing, partial ITS1 sequences of Benedenia sargocentron collected from Sargocentron spiniferum, Neobenedenia melleni from Epinephelus awoara, Neobenedenia sp.
从不同的海水鱼上采获一批本尼登虫 (单殖纲、分室科、本尼登亚科 ) ,其中部分标本经形态学研究后仍不能定种 。
Study on Benedeniasis on maricultured fishes in Fujian;
By using PCR directed sequencing, partial ITS1 sequences of Benedenia sargocentron collected from Sargocentron spiniferum, Neobenedenia melleni from Epinephelus awoara, Neobenedenia sp.
本文采用PCR扩增及DNA序列测定的分子生物学方法 ,对棘鳞鱼畏本尼登虫、玫氏新本尼登虫、新本尼登虫未定种 1和新本尼登虫未定种 2的rDNA基因的ITS1序列进行了研究 。
Some Opinions on the Cultural Integration Thought of Benedict;
This paper analyzes the way of Benedict in his comparative study on the differences between American and Japanese cultures in The Chrysanthemum and the Sword.
Patterns of Culture established Benedict as an anthropologist in this field.
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