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1)cryptometabolism,隐变态2)cryptometaboly,隐变态3)Latent variable,隐变量4)hidden variable,隐变量5)hidden variables,隐变量6)latent variables space,隐变量空间7)latent variable model,隐变量模型8)hidden variable theory,隐变量理论9)theory of hidden variables,隐变量理论10)hidden variables theories,隐变数理论


    Object: Exploring the method of modeling latent variable nonlinear effect analysis in structural equation modeling and the technique of latent variable nonlinear effect analysis by SAS software.


    exploring the method of modeling latent variable interaction effect analysis in structural equation modeling and the technique of latent variable interaction effect analysis by SAS software.

    探讨隐变量交互作用分析的建模方法及其在SA S软件上的实现;首先阐述隐变量交互作用分析建模的原理,通过拟合一个隐变量交互作用分析示例,对加入交互作用项的统计分析结果与无交互作用项的统计分析结果进行对比;示例中交互作用项引起的变异在结果变量的总变异中占到79。

    In this paper,SEM is applied to incorporate transition of instituion,which is a Latent Variable,to the analysis of the source of growth of the source of growth,which is conductive to recognize the real reasons of economic growth of China.

    在制度变迁这一隐变量纳入增长因素的计量分析中 ,可用结构方程模型对中国经济增长的真正原因进行探讨。

    On the one hand,by assuming the existence of hidden variable in EM algorithm,the likelihood function are greatly simplified;on the other hand,some special parameters estimation can be easily realized by virtue of EM algorithm.


    In this paper,the hidden variable,Bell inequality and its meaning are discussed in detail.


    Spin correlation of the hidden variable theory,spin correlation of quantum me-chanics,Bell theorem and its meaning are discussed in detail.


    In the presence of unobserved hidden variables and selection bias, Bayesian networks may not correctly represent causal relationships among the observed variables.


    Fisher s discrimination rate(FDR)is applied to determine damage of hidden variables on quality of aeroengine sen- sor data.


    Controller design based on PLS latent variables space;


    Pattern recognition of gas sensor arrary data by using a clustering algorithm based on latent variable model;


    Bell’s two misunderstandings about Bell’s theorem are pointed out: Firstly, the hidden variable theory Bell’s used, which is a special form of such theories, is regarded as a general one.


    "Bell-Kochen-Specker" theory, which shows the inconsistency between the theory of hidden variables and quantum mechanics, implies the global correlation of quantum systems.

    “Bell-Kochen -Specker”理论表明“背景无关”的隐变量理论与量子力学不相容 ,从而揭示了量子系统的整体相关性。