A comparison of three optic nerve myelin staining methods;
Relationskip between pathologic changes of myelinated fibers and trigeminal neuralgia;
Inhibition of p38 with PD169316 and SB203580 prevented accumulation of protein and mRNA of cell-stage specific markers characteristic of differentiated oligodendrocytes,including myelin basic protein,myelin-associated glycoprotein,and the glycosphingolipids,galactosylceramide and sulfatide.
Changes of brain myelin sheath structure and myelin basic protein content induced by amyloid β peptide (Aβ) and effect of GETO on these changes;
Then myelin sheath showed fresh blue in color.
Our previous study has shown that the axon membrane of C fibers in the saphenous nerve of rat is fluffed and the myelin sheath of A δ fibers is destroyed partly when the nerve is treated with 50% injection stauntoniae, a kind of analgesic in Chinese herbal medicine.
本文作者等曾发现将镇痛中草药野木瓜注射液 (IS)涂布于大鼠隐神经可导致 C类纤维轴突膜膨胀、边界模糊 ;Aδ类纤维髓鞘出现较多的空洞和髓鞘崩解。
Effect of acupuncture on content of serum myelin basic protein and remyelination of ischemic focus in rats of focal cerebral ischemia;
Effects of aescine on content of serum MBP and remyelination of ischemic focus in rats of ischemical stroke;
The concept of remyelination has gained acceptance in recent years, but naturally occurring remyelination is incomplete.
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