Taking the maintenance of the integrality of aquatic eco-system as the protective object,the ecologically suitable flow of Songhuajiang River and its relative value(the ratio between the ecologically suitable flow and the natural mean flow) are calculated herein with both the fish habitat method and the fish biomass method.
Mi-crocalorimetric technique can monitor biological system continually, it gives the base for biocalorimetric analysis research on cellular level.
Study on calorimetric biosensor has a long history.
与其它类传感器相比较 ,量热生物传感器有其独特的优点 经过多年的研究 ,这类传感器已经从简单系统阶段发展到了微型及杂合系统阶段 ,并且日渐趋向于智能化 有越来越多的分析生物学家正对此领域表现出极大的兴趣 目前 ,这类传感器被广泛应用于临床检测、工业过程控制、环境监测等方面 本文就量热生物传感器的基本原理、器件设计以及发展趋势等方面进行了较为详细的论述 。
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