A Simplified Multiple Aliquot Regenerative-dose (MAR) protocol is introduced in this paper, in which after each natural and regenerative-dose OSL (L_i) measurements, the OSL response (T_i) to the test dose is used to monitor the sensitivity changes for multiple aliquots as Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol does on single-aliquot.
Two examples were used to exemplify incorrect analysis method for dose-response experimental data.
通过对两个例子的分析说明了剂量反应试验数据分析中的不恰当分析方法 ,阐述了如何根据试验目的正确地进行剂量反应试验设计 ,给出了不同类型的剂量反应试验数据的正确分析和结果表示方法 ,并同时指出了对此类数据分析时一些需要注意的问
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