Local activation time(AT),end of repolarization(EOR) time and MAP duration were calculated and 3-dimensional global maps of AT,EOR and MAP duration were constructed.
计算每一点的局部激动时间(activation tim e,AT)、复极结束时间(end-of-repolarization tim e,EORT)和单相动作电位时程(monophasic action potential duration,MAPD),并且据此建立10套三维整体心室肌AT顺序、EORT顺序和MAPD长短顺序的标测图。
Mechanism of neuroprotective effect mediated by M1 agonists;
The functions of selective β_3 adrenergic agonists;
Studies on Three-dimensional QSAR of Muscarinic Receptor Agonists;
Effect of the PPAR-alpha agonist on the expression of PEDF and VEGF in cultured glomerular mesangial cells stimulated by high glucose;
PPARα激动剂对高糖刺激的肾系膜细胞PEDF和VEGF mRNA表达的影响
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