Effects of exhaustive swimming on glycogen and enzyme-histochemistry of atrioventricular node in rat;
The ultracture changes and BCL-2 genic protein expression within ischemia-reperfusion atrioventricular node in rabbit;
Electrophysiological effects of capsaicin on spontaneous activity of rabbit atrioventricular node cells;
METHODS: The atrioventricular accessory pathway was blocked by RFCA in 45 patients with atrioventricular reentry tachycardia: manifest accessory pathways (25 cases) and recessiveness acessory pathways (20 cases).
方法 :利用RFCA技术阻断房室旁道参与的折返性心动过速 4 5例 ,其中显性旁道 2 5例 ,隐性旁道 2 0例。
The radiofrequency ablation effect was observed in 21 patients with single right atrioventricular accessory pathway by superior vena cava approach.
常规下腔静脉途径消融失败的 2 1例右前侧壁、右后侧壁、右侧壁、前间隔单一房室旁道患者 ,改经上腔静脉途径后均成功消融 ,手术时间及放电次数、X线曝露时间明显缩短。
Electrophysiology characteristic of AV node reentrant tachycardia with atrioventricular block;
Analysis of PJ intervals in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome associated with bundle branch block or atrioventricular block;
Objective To explore the predictive value of ECG features in early stage of acute inferior myocar-dial infarction as indicators of developing high-degree(second-or third-degree) atrioventricular block and their relationship with the possible coronary disease.
They were all re-diagnosed in terms of the following dignostic criteria: ①atrioventricular dissociation.
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