Preliminary Identification on the Variety of Wheat Take-all Pathogens in Bayannol,Inner Mongolia;
axyridis pallas in JiLin province and described surface shape of the variety.
The two subspecies and two variety of Craspedacusta sowerbyi, namely C.
作者对我国的桃花水母属Craspedacusta的 2亚种和2变种重新通过形态学观察 ,并与国内外已发表的Craspeda custa属 7种相比较 ,其刺丝囊疣的形状和排列及生殖腺的形状和颜色均存在明显的差异。
In this paper the geographic distribution、ecotype、community character、variation and biomass of S.
Photobacterium phosphoreum dark mutant T9171 sp.
The positive mutagenic response to six chemicals and doubtable positive mutagenic response to two chemical and negative mutagenic response to two chemicals were demonstrated by a spontaneous dark mutant(k mutant), strain T 9171 ,isolated from Photobacterium phosphoreum T 3 Sp.
从明亮发光菌T3 小种(Photobacterium Phosphoreum T3 Sp)分离到的自发暗变种(k 变种)T9171菌株检测十种化合物,其中六种化合物呈致突变阳性反应,二种化合物呈可疑阳性,二种化合物呈阴性反应,该方法比传统的Am es 试验检测化合物致突效应灵敏度高,可望成为一种简易灵敏的测试环境致突变物的快速生物学试验方法。
sibirica cultivar which derived from Youyi .
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