Based on the results the properties of Z curve (a intuitive tool for visualizing and analyzing the DNA sequence proposed by Zhang & Zhang) can be obtained naturally.
在此基础上得到Z曲线的一些特性, 如Z曲线束具有S4群的对称性,Z曲线均在最大正四面体的内切球内等等。
The author analyzes the nucleotide distribution of essential genes and nonessential genes in Bacillus subtilis using the Z curve method and predicts the essential genes using the method of BLAST.
本文构建了必需基因数据库(DEG)以及探索必需基因数据库的可能应用,应用Z曲线方法分析了枯草杆菌(Bac illus subtilis)中必需基因和非必需基因的核苷酸分布,并且通过蛋白质序列比对的方法对大肠杆菌(E。
Z curve method from the perspective geometry expounds how to identify genes,and it reflects the distribution base pairs of DNA sequence the general trend.
Analysis of AIV in Different Hosts Using Z-curve Method;
A Brief Analysis of Avian Influenza Virus Using Z-curve Method;
Coronavirus Phylogeny Analysis Based on Z-curve Theory;
Analysis on the geomagnetic base line Z-value affected by the changes of temperature and moisture;
This paper describes some new approaches for recognizing protein-coding genes and horizontally transferred genes in bacterial genomes using the Z curve method.
论文第一部分首先介绍了DNA 序列的Z 曲线理论,这是我们分析原核生物基因组的主要工具,因此建立了一个与基因识别关系密切的原核和真核生物基因组Z 曲线数据库。
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