Study on determination of carbaryl pesticides in vegetable by flow injection biosensor;
Determination Methods of Carbaryl Residues in Water;
Resolution of Synchronous Fluorimetric Spectrum for Carbaryl and Coumaphos and Its Application Study;
Preparation of Abzyme for Hydrolysis of Insecticide Sevin (Ⅰ) Molecular Design,Synthesis and Optimization of Antigen;
3% density of sevin is applied to determine indoor poisonous strength to Odototermes formosanus.
用3%西维因对黑翅土白蚁(Odototermes formosanus)进行室内毒力测试。
A high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) method using diode array detector(222 nm) for determination of sevin insecticides in swine,goat and chicken liver has been developed.
以高效液相色谱 (HPL C)法建立了猪、羊、鸡肝组织中西维因残留量的检测方法。
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