The composition, structure and physicochemical properties of wrinkled and smooth pea starch were summarized and compared in the paper The extraction of pea starch and crystalline structure of pea starches were discusse
对豌豆淀粉包括光滑豌豆淀粉和皱皮豌豆淀粉的组成、结构和物理化学性质进行了综述 ,比较了光滑豌豆淀粉和皱皮豌豆淀粉在组成、结构和物理化学性质上的差异 ,同时对豌豆淀粉的提纯和豌豆淀粉的晶体结构进行了讨论。
With HNO3 and H2O2 digestion,a method for determination of selenium in pea vermicelli by sequence injection hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry was developed.
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