Effects of psychological intervention on lactation of women with cesarean section;
Nursing Study on Early Food-in Take and Early Lactation in Post-surgical Parturients Underwent Cesarean Section;
Influence of the Use of Patient Self Controlled Epidural Analgesia on the Complications of Cesarean Section and Lactation;
Objective To explore the effect of nasal dropping of oxytocin on milk secretion and milking.
方法将150例产妇随机分为观察组80例和对照组70例,观察组产妇于分娩后在1~4 d的哺乳期里予以催产素注射液滴鼻;对照组产妇不用任何药物滴鼻,分别统计两组产妇泌乳的始动时间和奶足时间,并进行比较。
Objective To explore the effect of free position during the early period after cesarean section on patients subjective comfort,the time of first bowel exhaust,the time of first walking,postoperative complications and milk secretion.
Nursing research on influence of epidural analgesia after caesarean section on lactating of postpartum puerpera;
Amino Acid Metabolism in the Mammary Gland of the Lactating Ruminants;
Items including average beginning lactating time,lactation amoun.
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