In accordance with concrescence of internal and external factors in process philosophy,the factors that can influence and enhance college core competence are as follows: market environment,management principles and characteristics,discipline construction and development,human resources and personnel strategy,management system,international excha.
Tension analysis and decentralized control for tobacco laminating production system;
The stability tension of laminating production system is the key to successful operations and required product quality.
Based on the current studies mainly involved in the phase selection, nucleation, banded structure and coupled growth, development of the researches on the theoretical and experimental results on directionally solidified binary peritectic alloys was reviewed in this paper.
At a given temperature gradient of 300K/cm and the growth rates less than 20μm/s in directionally solidification, coupled growth regular e.
8%Nb hypereutectic, including coupled growth zone and adjustment mechanisms of lamellar spacing of eutectic were researched by an abruptly changing growth rate in directional solidification.
Impact of Cadmium Contamination on Growth and Photosynthesis of Salix×Au Reop Endula and Vefiveria Zizanioides;
The effect of simulated acid rain on photosynthesis and growth of Eucommia ulmoides were determined.
研究了模拟酸雨对杜仲光合生理及生长的影响,结果表明:在系列模拟酸雨胁迫下,无论春、夏、秋季,杜仲叶叶绿素(Chl)含量和Chl a/b值随酸雨pH值降低而降低,呈显著正相关。
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of waterlogging on recovery growth and photosynthesis of cotton at seedling stage.
The Research on the ERP-Oriented Production Planning System of Mixture Manufacturing for the Wool Textile Industry;
Research on production planning system of mixture manufacturing;
Studie on biological feature and complex ecology of Volvariella brumals in Guizhou;
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