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今天是:2025年3月18日 星期二

arsenic compounds是什么意思



1)arsenic compounds,含砷化合物2)nanometer arsenic compound,纳米含砷化合物3)arsenic-containing,含砷4)arsenic wastewater,含砷废水5)arsenic-bearing mineral,含砷矿物6)arsenical sludge,含砷污泥


    Objctive To summarize the progress for researched of inorganic elements,organochlorine pesticides,organic substances and arsenic compounds in oyster Meihod According to the publiched thesis to summarize the chemical substances,which mentioned above,in oyster.


    A combined process of beneficiation and hydrometallurgy for the arsenic-containing gold ores at ambient temperature and pressure was presented,including floatation fine grinding,intensified alkaline leaching pretreatment and cyanidation.


    Disposal of arsenic wastewater by coagulation in power plant;


    The arsenic forms in gaseous phase, aqueous phase and solid state were studied in treating arsenic wastewater with FeS.

    本文对用硫化亚铁处理含砷废水时、在气相、液相和固相中砷的形态进行了研究结果表明,在气相中无AsH_3,但在As(v)废水的液相中有As(v)和As(Ⅲ)共同存在 在固相中有As(0),FeAsO_4(FeAsO_3),As_2S_3(As_2S_5)和吸附砷。

    The effect of polysilicate-metal coagulants on arsenic wastewater is investigated as well.


    The arsenical sludge clay were mixed up with a defined ratio and were made the brick.


    The arsenic in the sludge is very dangerous, so it is important to find the methods for the treatment and disposal of the arsenical sludge.

    废水处理后的污泥含有大量的有害物质 ,其中的砷及其化合物对环境危害极大 ,因此 ,对含砷污泥的安全处理与处置研究 ,有重要的现实意义 。