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the table of variance analysis是什么意思



1)analysis of variance table,方差分析表2)the table of variance analysis,方差分析表3)deviation,方差4)variance,方差5)square deviation,方差6)standard deviation,方差


    After several discrete wavelet transforms, another expression of the deviation of white noise on every scale is given by us.


    The author thinks that sampling methods should be chosen according to the characteristics of cases studies and phasing of deducing should be replaced by direct stratificated to optimize the calculation of deviation which can make case deducing studies scientific and more practicable.

    本文针对现行限额以下贸易业抽样调查方案在实施过程中反映出来的问题 ,提出了融复合分层和顺序抽选阶段于一体的架构及灵活地选用不同的抽样方法 ,改分阶段推断为直接分层推断 ,优化抽样方差计算等设想 ,目的在于使调查方案更科学、更具有可操作性。

    Improving methods to calculate estimator minimum variance of the finite population mean;


    Image compression based on the criterion of variance and energy;


    A real time fault diagnosis system based on variance of power spectrum at characteristic frequency;


    The mean value and square deviation of residence time measured at different outlet with different stirring speeds and flow rates were calculated and analyzed by L_9(3~3) orthogonal experiments.


    Taking the minimum square deviation of the irrigation rate and successive images over the whole irrigation duration as objective function, this model considers 4 kinds of possible adjustment approaches and the corresponding adjustment rules in the actual applications.

    该模型以保证灌水率方差在总灌水延续时间内最小和图像连续为目标函数 ,考虑了实际中 4种可能的调整途径及相应的调整规则。

    Data expectation,standard deviation,the space between the especially apices,the distance of especially poles and the width of the half especially poles of section data define as factor of this method.


    In order to assess the veracity of scheduled loss ratio,the standard deviation between scheduled loss ratio and practical com-pleting value was utilized to express the precision.
