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Mulberry trimmer是什么意思



1)Mulberry trimmer,伐条2)Shoot cutter,伐条机3)Petzval's condition,珀兹伐条件4)Petzval condition,佩兹伐条件5)Electric mulberry shoot cutter,电动桑树伐条机6)fell,采伐,伐木


    Reform of Collective Forest under the Condition of Forbidden Cutting--Investigation of three villages in Qinling Mountains;


    Woodmen trod a path on the mountainside.


    We had to chop a way through the undergrowth.


    Wood-men trod a path on the mountain side.


    Article 32 To cut trees, it shall be necessary to apply for the cutting license and conduct the cutting according to the provisions of the license;

    第三十二条 采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;

    Article 33 The authorities in charge of examining and issuing cutting licenses shall not issue the cutting licenses in excess of the annual cutting quota.

    第三十三条 审核发放采伐许可证的部门,不得超过批准的年采伐限额发放采伐许可证。

    Article 31 The following provisions shall be observed in the course of forest and forest tree cutting:

     第三十一条 采伐森林和林木必须遵守下列规定:

    Article 34 When a state-owned forestry enterprise or institution applies for the cutting license, it shall come up with a cutting area survey and design document.

    第三十四条 国有林业企业事业单位申请采伐许可证时,必须提出伐区调查设计文件。

    Defarge gave into his anxious hand, an open scrap of paper. It bore the words in the Doctor's writing:


    Singapore society must evolve and grow on its own terms and at its own pace.


    The Bavarian state of Germany launches first high-speed magnetic levitation railway (maglev) linking Munich city to the airport.


    Selection of High Lovastatin Producing Fusant and Optimization of the Fermentation Condition;


    Effect of Simvastatin on the Permeability of Rat Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cell under Different Hypoxia Conditions;


    Turning back down the main street, we quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream where we hoped the boatman was waiting.


    a river in central Europe that arises in northwestern Czechoslovakia and flows northward through Germany to empty into the North Sea.


    Later on, he suddenly said that he had accompanied Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek in his Northern Expedition and then suddenly changed the story to say that he had gone to study in Moscow. The more he said the more incoherent he became.

    后来,他忽然说到跟蒋总司令北伐, 忽然又说去莫斯科留学,越说越无条理。

    Defarge took his receipt without noticing the exclamation, and withdrew, with his two fellow-patriots.


    Article 29 In compliance with the principle that the consumption of timber shall be lower than the growth, the State shall impose strict controls over the annual forest cutting volume.

    第二十九条 国家根据用材林的消耗量低于生长量的原则,严格控制森林年采伐量。