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germination vigor是什么意思



1)germination energy,发芽势2)germination vigor,发芽势3)Germination Potential,发芽势4)germination rate,发芽势5)Germinating energy,发芽势6)Germination ratio (energy),发芽率(势)


    Seed germination percentage,germination energy and germination index were measured under condition of temperature 17℃,19℃,21℃,23℃,25℃.


    The result showed that the seed germination energy of M.


    Through treatment of soybean seeds with high voltage electric field the impact of the electric field on emergence rate,fresh and dry weight,spouse length and germination energy were studied.


    The germination rate and germination vigor of Saposhnikovia divaricata seeds are all lower.


    The germination vigor and the germination rate in Eupatorium catarium seeds in different zoology types,different habitats and different temperature were analysed,and the relationships of the germination vigor and the germination rate and temperature in Eupatorium catarium seeds were analysed too.


    Centipedegrass seeds were treated with NaOH,H2SO4,KNO3,rubbing and low temperature and the results indicated that the best treatment was to treat the seed with 50 g/L NaOH for 15 min,and the germination rate,germination vigor and germination index were 97.

    用NaOH、H2SO4、KNO3、摩破种皮和低温处理等方法对假俭草种子进行萌发试验研究,结果表明:以50 g/L的NaOH处理15 min效果最好,发芽率,发芽势和发芽指数分别为97。

    Experimental results show that the germination potential of the samples irradiated by both carbon ions and electrons increases first and then decreases with dose, while their germination fraction goes down gradually.


    The results showed that the effect of each treatment,namely,different seed collecting time on seed quality was apparent,the difference of the weight of a thousand seeds,germination percentage and germination potential was remarkable for the treatments that was from Aug.

    对油松不同采种时期对种子质量影响问题进行了试验研究 ,结果表明 ,各种处理即不同的采种时期对种子质量影响明显 ,从 8月 15日开始 ,到 9月 2 9日的处理 ,种子千粒重、发芽率、发芽势差别极显著。

    Experimental results show that the germination potential of the irradiated has relationship with dose distribution of the ions, a peak value of 76.


    Ten tobacco varieties,including six from America and four from China,were used to investigate germination rate,germination potential and simplified vigor index.


    Before being planted artificially,the hard seed of wild soybean in Yellow River Delta Area must be treated to improve the germination rate.

    05),其中处理时间为9 min发芽率和发芽势最佳,分别达到100%和99。

    Soaking and cultivating forestry seeds used the water treated by various magnetic field and intensity, observed the change of germination percentage, germination rate, embryo root and embryo shaft, The results showed that the magnetized water could increase the germination percentage, germination rate and growth, uniform field was better than gradient field, and magnetic field intensity 0.

    用不同磁场和不同磁场强度处理的水对林木种子浸种培育 ,观察种子发芽率、发芽势、胚根和下胚轴的变化。

    Salt tolerance of 19 alfalfa varieties in geminating period has been studied by measuring the germinating energy,germination rate,seedling height and root length under the treatments with 0.


    3” as the materials, calces as drier, jar and wooden trunk as storage container, the moisture content, germination percentage and germinating energy change of the material were observed during three years.

    以珍珠豆型花生品种狮选 3号为材料 ,用生石灰作干燥剂 ,瓦罐及木箱作保存容器 ,通过 3年观察其含水量 ,发芽率 ,发芽势的变化 ,找到一种简单 ,价廉的花生种子贮藏方