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今天是:2025年3月18日 星期二

many lobed leaf是什么意思



1)many lobed leaf,多裂叶2)Schizonepeta mulifida (L.) Briq,多裂叶荆芥3)multiple fractures,多裂缝4)multiple cracks,多裂纹5)multifidus,多裂肌6)multi-cracked beams,多裂纹梁7)multi-crack,多裂纹8)multi-cracks,多裂纹9)multi-crack body,多裂纹体10)multi-crack,多裂隙


    Based on the fundamental solution of elasticity for two-half elasticity plane,the boundary integral equation method is extended to study the fracture problem in bimaterial plane with multiple cracks subjected to arbitrary loads.


    Based on the complex potential method about the plane theory of the elasticity of an anisotropic body,stress distributions in the plate with multiple cracks are obtained by using the conformal mapping and the Faber series expansion.

    采用各向异性体平面弹性理论中的复势方法,应用保角映射技术和F aber级数展开,导出在任意载荷作用下多裂纹板应力场的级数解,引入当量屈服应力修正裂尖塑性区,并利用Sw ift韧带屈服准则建立含共线分布多裂纹结构的剩余强度分析模型,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。

    By using of complex variable and integral equation methods, the antiplane multiple elliptical holes and multiple cracks problem of infinite region was considered.

    运用复变函数及积分方程方法 ,求解了无限域中的多椭圆孔多裂纹反平面问题 。

    Electromyographic activity of the multifidus: When sudden unbalance of patients spine with chronic low back pain;


    Numerical simulation for fracture propagation of multi-cracked rock materials using virtual multidimensional internal bonds;


    According to character of procession of concrete material having size effect rule,effective crack propagation of concrete was investigated with size effect rule of fracture toughness of concrete,formula of effective crack propagation was obtained which reflected size effect rule,and then effective crack model of multi-crack concrete was obtained which was relative with dimension of the specimen.


    Rock bridge fracture among multi-crack is one of the important reasons for rock mass failure.


    Now, the safety of multi-cracks damage question is a extreme matter of concerning of the aeronautical engineering, Specially in crack point stress intensity factor solution aspect, Until now it is lack from the an.


    The specificity curve of σe-α, also de- pending on cracks density h, for multi-crack body is given by the analysis of experimenta.


    On the foundation of Betti s theorem,the constitutive relation of multi-crack rockmass which considers the effect of crack-closure is developed in this paper.
