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horizontal ozone transport是什么意思

中文翻译臭氧的水平输送,臭氧的水平移动 HOT


1)horizontal ozone transport,臭氧的水平输送;臭氧的水平移动 HOT2)heap on trie,HOT3)HyperbaricOxygenTherapy ,HOT,高压氧疗法,HOT4)heap on tries,尝试上的堆(HoT)5)the French Polynesian hot spots,Hot-spotting6)one-hot,one-hot编码


    Empirical Study of Hot Issue Phenomenon "in China A-share Market;

    中国A股“HOT ISSUE”现象的实证检验

    Using Hot Potatoes to Create Interactive English Exercises;

    利用HOT POTATOES创建互动式英语习题

    CMV-HOT:An Evolution Model of Inter-Domain Routing System Based on the Complex System Theory


    Don : Hello! Kate, what a hot day it is!

    提示词:happy, sad, cold, hot, cool, warm。

    Hot Potatoes Interactive Web-based Exercises Development and Application;

    Hot Potatoes交互式网络教学软件的应用

    The Cognitive Analysis of Meaning Extention of HOT;


    Development of Thermal Conductivity Measuring Instrument with a Transient Hot Disk Method

    Hot Disk法导热系数测定仪的开发

    Multi-spot Hot-bar Soldering Process Parameters Optimization


    Influence Factors Analysis of Thermal Conductivity Measurement with Hot Disk Technique

    基于Hot Disk方法测量热导率的影响因素

    Hot deck Imputation and Simulation Study about Variance of Imputed Data;

    Hot deck插补和插补后数据的方差模拟研究