Based on the investigation of the key technology including aero-valve,integration design of aero-valve and atomizer,the fuel vaporization and mixing,the improvement about ignition reliability and intensification of burning,a pulse detonation rocket engine prototype is designed,the diameter and the length of the engine are 58 mm and 1 300 mm.
通过对脉冲爆震火箭发动机(Pu lse D etonation R ocket Eng ine,PDRE)气动阀,气动阀和雾化喷嘴一体化设计,进行改善燃油蒸发、掺混,改善点火性能,强化燃烧等关键技术的研究,研制一台内径58 mm,长1 300 mm的PDRE原型样机。
Manufacture on Precise Assembly Robot Prototype;
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