With the further opening of the market, it has more exchange between China and other countries, the market has higher request for the electro silver quality.
随着市场的进一步开放 ,国内外交流越来越多 ,电银质量的要求也愈来愈高。
The paper introduces point embedding,needle knife,electro-acupuncture and massage,Tongluo Shujin,silver and other,clinical often short,effective,and less recurrence,efficacy and stability characteristics.
Heat conduction characteristic of silver needle in heating therapy;
Sprain tretment concentrates on qi and blood,tendon injury on herbal application and bone setting;new needling technipues and special silver needles are developed.
Objective: Silver needle acupuncture treatment has notable effect on patients with chronic extravertebral soft tissue lesion, especially its long term loosening effect on myospasm.
目的 :观察银质针针刺疗法对局部病变软组织的血流影响并探讨其治痛机理。
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