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acetate-mevalonate pathway是什么意思



1)acetate-mevalonate pathway,乙酸-甲瓦龙酸途径2)mevalonic acid,甲瓦龙酸3)gentisate pathway,龙胆酸途径4)acyl thiosemicarbazide,乙醇酸途径5)aceticlastic methanogenesis,乙酸发酵产甲烷途径6)mevalomic lacton,甲瓦龙酸内酯


    Through spectrophotometric analyses on cell extracts of ZWL73 induced with 3-HBA,it was indicated that glutathione(GSH)-dependent gentisate pathway is involved in the 3-HBA catabolism in ZWL73 and the catabolism of this pathway must be induced with 3-.

    一株4-氯硝基苯(4-CNB)的完全降解菌Pseudomonas putidaZWL73能利用3-羟基苯甲酸(3-HBA)为惟一碳源和能源生长,而且ZWL73在对3-HBA降解的过程中,有中间产物龙胆酸生成;酶学分析的分光光度法证实,ZWL73通过GSH依赖型的龙胆酸途径代谢3-HBA,并且该途径需经3-HBA或龙胆酸诱导。

    Through spectrophotometric analyses on cell extracts of ZWL73 induced with 3-HBA, it was indicated that glutathione(GSH)-dependent gentisate pathway is involved in the 3-HBA catabolism in ZWL73 and the catabolism of this pathway needs to be induced with 3-HBA .

    一株4-氯硝基苯(4-CNB) 的完全降解菌Pseudomonas putida ZWL73能利用3-羟基苯甲酸(3-HBA) 为唯一碳源和能源进行生长,而且ZWL73 在对3-HBA降解的过程中,有中间产物龙胆酸的生成;酶学分析的分光光度法证实,ZWL73通过依赖于还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)的龙胆酸途径代谢3-HBA,并且该途径的酶需要经过3-HBA 或龙胆酸的诱导。

    And it can yet synthesize drug perpenoid “mevalomic lactone” that has largish applied cost.
