This article begins from the positioning of function of death penalty checking program and delivers the withdrawal of death penalty approval authority by the Supreme Court.
So this paper proposes that the uniform authority of land purchase should be set up in our law.
Based on the effects of different characteristics of unified land purchase on the implementation of land purchase repertory system, this paper holds that following laws, the characteristic orientation of compulsory marketing not only guarantees the governmental dominance in implementing land purchase repertory system, but also accords with the objective pattern of Chinas economic reform.
本文在分析不同土地统一收购性质对实施土地收购储备制度影响的基础上 ,认为在遵循我国现行法律法规的条件下 ,“强制性买卖”的性质定位不仅保证了实施土地收购储备制度过程中政府的主导地位 ,同时也是适应我国社会主义经济体制改革目标模式的需
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