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Yangming deficient cold是什么意思



1)Yangming deficient cold,阳明虚寒2)excess of yin due to yang-insufficiency,阳虚寒盛3)Symptom of yang deficiency with congealing cold,阳虚寒痹4)Aconite and Asarum Decoction,阳虚感寒5)intolerance of cold due to yang insufficiency,阳虚恶寒6)yang deficiency due to cold manifestation,阳虚生寒


    It is pointed out that precordial pain is the main pattern of ACS,and excess of yin due to yang-insufficiency is the main pathogenesis of the disease.

    指出胸痹心痛为 ACS的主要证候表现 ,阳虚寒盛是 ACS的主要病机。

    Chinese Ephedra,Aconite and Asarum Decoction,which came from Treatise on Febrile Diseases by Zhang Chongqing and is made up of ephedra,asari and prepared commonot,is applied in mainly Shaoyin disease and Taishao Lianggan syndrome though Diaphoresis Relieving Sup erficies,and was taken as the typical formula of yang-asthenia syndrome.
