Sufficient Conditions of Positive Periodic Solutions of a Class of Delay Differential Equation with Impulse;
Further Analysis for Hua s Macro-Economic Mathematical Modelwith Many Years Delay;
4mm on the base of the Frank kamenetskii heat equilibration formula,to test the critical temperature and reaction delay time of limited thermal explosion,and evaluate its reaction level.
4mm炸药柱的限定性热爆炸实验装置、实验条件和实验方法 ,用于测定限定性热爆炸临界温度、反应延滞期 ,评价限定性热爆炸实验的反应水平。
Study on thermal explosion delay time of NiAl(Fe) system;
Also,this paper suggests the curves of the real and imaginary parts of the first three order dimensionless complex frequencies varying with dimensionless flow speed in the case of different dimensionless delay times and mass ratio and obtain the range of dimensionless speed of the occurrence of divergence instability and coupled-mode flutter of the cylinde.
The effect of dimensionless delay time of the viscoelastic material on the curves between dimensionless flow velocity, and real and imaginary components of dimensionless complex frequencies of the pipe conveying fluid in the first two modes are also analyzed.
The limit behavior of a class of time series models with a random delay in random environment domain;
Geometric ergodicity of GARCH models with random delay;
In this article,a new class of threshold ARMA-ARCH model with random delay is proposed.
The importance of the selection time delay in constructing the phase space in financial market is stressed.
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