Sublethal Effects of Beta-cypermethrinand Deltamethrin on the Cottonbollworm Helicoverpa armigera Hübner;
The effect of sublethal concentration (LC1 and LC50) of fenvalerate and fenpropathrin on the 3 d larva cotton bollworm’s antifeedence, body weight, development and repellent was measured using the feeding method.
Lethal and sublethal effects of fenvalerate applied to host larvae on the parasitoid Cotesia plutellae;
The studies on sublethal effects of insecticides on spiders are few in China and abroad, particularly on molecular, biochemical, physiological and behav.
xylostella,its sublethal effect was determined by the variances in feeding,pupation time,pupation rate,pupal weight and adult emergence rate.
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