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1)Tubulogensis,小管形成2)tube formation,内皮细胞小管形成3)tubule,小管4)renal tubules,肾小管5)Kidney tubules,肾小管6)seminiferous tubule,生精小管


    For this strategy to be effective,however,cell biological information about tubule development within the diseased organ is needed.


    1 mg/kg Cd~(2+) solution,no distinct change was observed in epithelia of the renal tubules,for the doses of 0.

    1 mg/kg的Cd2+溶液注射20次后,肾小管上皮细胞未发生明显变化;以每次剂量为0。

    Methods: Paraffin (7 μm in thickness) and methacrylate resin (25 μm) embedded renal sections were observed using 40× objective lens and 100× oil lens, respectively, and the volume fractions and diameters of the renal tubules and the tubule nuclei were estimated with stereological methods.

    方法 :分别用高倍镜 (40×物镜 )和油镜 (10 0× )观察石蜡 (7μm厚 )和甲基丙烯酸树脂 (2 5 μm厚 )包埋的肾脏切片 ,利用体视学方法测量肾小管的体积分数和直径以及肾小管细胞核的体积分数和直径。

    Objective:To examine the effect of mercuric chloride toxicosis on enzyme cytochemistry of renal tubules epithelil cells in rats.

    目的 :检测氯化汞中毒对肾小管上皮细胞酶化学的影响。

    Metrological study of spermatozoon in seminiferous tubule of rats after artificial cryptorchism;


    After 80days,the weight of testis,the intradiameter of seminiferous tubules,the .

    结果:800mg/kg PNS剂量组睾丸系数、生精小管直径、血清TNF-α和T含量与模型组比较,差异有统计学意义,光镜所见睾丸组织结构接近正常对照组形态;200mg/kg PNS剂量组和模型组生精上皮坏死、脱落,睾丸间质水肿,不同程度炎性细胞增生浸润。

    Methods: Segments of seminiferous tubules were obtained from the adult male SD rats,at stages XIII~I of meiosis,and the interstitial cells of the same testis were isolated under the stereomicroscope.
