Then the automatic drawing of WPC hull lines and the key techniques and process of 3D fairing of hull lines in AutoCAD2004 environment are introduced.
The main results are as follows:(1) The seminal roots of sunflower seedlings have the negative phototropism grown under unilateral light.
结果表明:(1)向日葵种子根表现为负向光性倾斜生长;(2)在2~8h的光照时间内,向日葵种子根的负向光性与光照时间成正比;(3)在5~25 lx的光强范围内,向日葵种子根的负向光性与光强成正比;(4)0~10-4mol。
To properly explore the photoreceptor for the negative phototropism in rice(Oryza sativa L.
To properly explore the effects of IAA on the negative phototropism of rice(Oryza sativa L.
为了研究生长素在水稻根负向光性反应中的作用 ,用含有IAA的琼脂块贴附在种子根的根尖表面观测IAA对根的生长效应 ,用ELISA法测定根尖的IAA含量 ,并对种子根弯曲部分进行半薄切片 ,结果表明 :(1)种子根的生长方向既受光的调控也受外施的IAA的调控 ,根尖向贴有含IAA琼脂块的一侧弯曲生长 ;(2 )不定根在光照 1。
Effect of Ca~(2+) in Signal Transduction with Phototropism and Gravitropism Reaction;
Simulation of phototropism in plant growth;
Previous studies have examined the effects of red light (R) on phototropism of maize (Zea mays L.
RoyaldentHit85 )胚芽鞘向光性反应的影响。
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