In the winter of 1941,Japanese germ warfare made a plague in the region of Changde.
The germ warfare in Changde launched by the Japanese aggressor brought about great disaster to Changde people.
日本对常德发动细菌战攻击 ,给常德人民带来巨大的灾难。
In the first instance of the lawsuit against Unit 731 of Japanese (kanto) Army launching germ warfare in China,the prosecutor lost the lawsuit.
731部队细菌战诉讼一审判决原告虽为败诉 ,但该判决在事实认定和法律关系方面具有积极意义。
The bacterial warfare hurt local people deeply in body and mind,and would leave pains in Sino-J.
The bacteriological warfare in Changde in 1941 resulted in a widespread plague which lasted for 2 years Great calamities stalked after if.
194 1年日军对常德实施细菌战造成常德地区鼠疫大流行,这一场疫灾持续了两年多,对常德地区社会经济造成了空前深重的灾难。
Though the research has been furthered on the crimes of the Japanese aggressors in the bacteriological warfare in China, quite a few questions are left to be answered about it.
On November 4, 1941, the Japanese Troops 731 invading China violated the international convention and hunan ethics,and launched a bacteriological warfare in Changde.
On the Causes of Japanese Aggressors Launching of Changde Bacteria War;
On the Civilian Casualties in Changde Bacteria War Launched by Japanese Aggressors in 1941;
After the occupation the Japanese invaders carried out their then little-Rnown bacteria war.
滇西沦陷之后 ,侵华日军在滇西进行了鲜为人知的细菌战。
A Book Newly Published to Expose the Crimes of Japanese Army in the Bacteriological Warfare during World War Ⅱ--Review of The Massacre of the Bacteriological Warfare;
Biological warfare can cause far more damage than ordinary wars.
On the Scientificization of the Study of BW Crime--Starting from the Numbers of BW Victims
Research Synthesis on Japanese Germ Warfare on China over the Past Decade;
About the Historical Materials on Germ Warfare in China Launched by Japanese Aggressors during World War Ⅱ;
Survey of Japan s Germ Attack upon Ningbo and the Reason;
The Central Archive etc (eds.). Germ Warfares and Gas Warfares, Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, Sep 1989, 833pp.
The germ warfare in Changde launched by the Japanese 731 Troop in 1941 brought about great harm to the local people.
Oral Historical Investigation of Seven Victims on the Germ Warfare in Shigongqiao
Tokyo court rejects Chinese plaintiffs' germ warfare compensation claim
A Critical Inquiry into the First Instance Decision of the Lawsuit against Unit 731 of Japanese Army Launching Germ Warfare in China
Conclusion of Social Investigation into Japanese Army s BW Special Transport;
Research into the Damage to Jiangxi by the Bacterial Warfare;
Are National Immunity Rights Applicable to Bacteria War Lawsuit?;
On the Influence of Bacteriological Warfiure upon Changde s Economy;
Significance of the Court Decision of First Instance on the Lawsuit against Japan s Implementing the Bacteriological Warfare in China and Tasks to Be Fulfilled in Second Instance;
Several Questions on Plague in Shigongqiao During Changde Germ Warfare in 1941;
The germ warfare in many parts of China launched by Japanese aggressors during World War Ⅱ has not been adequately exposed or criticized.
六十多年前 ,侵华日军在中国境内许多地区实施的细菌战是没有被认真清算的战中战。
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