Objective:To evaluate the difference between 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide(MTT)and cytopathic effect(CPE)in screening the antiviral medicine.
We observed the cytotoxicity of Qingfei quyu decoction on A549 cells by using MTT method;after that,observed the protective effect for the cytopathic effect of A549 cells by Qingfei quyu decoction below media
By using cytopathic effect (CPE) as the index, the antivirus effects in vitro and cytotoxicity of five Chinese drug preparations were investigated.
Methods The cell killing effect was observed by CPE(cytopathic effect) assay;the cell growth inhibition and virus propagation efficiency was measured by MTT assay and plaque formation assay,respectively.
方法:通过细胞病变效应(CPE)观察d l1520对肝癌细胞株的杀伤作用;MTT法测定对肝癌细胞生长抑制作用,并通过空斑法测定病毒增殖,探讨其杀伤机理。
The morphological observation of Guizhou NDV isolate and cytopathogenic effect of infected cells;
The infected chorioallantoic membrane became thicken,congestive and pox formation,the affected monolayer of BHK(21) manifested cytopathogenic effect,and all these phenomena could be inhibited by reference serum of goat pox.
Methods CPE observation and plaque reduction assay were used to test the anti-HSV-1 effect of Ilex Kudmcha C.
方法采用细胞病变效应法(Cytopatho-genic effect,CPE)和空斑减数实验(Plaque reduction assay)测定不同苦丁茶提取物抗HSV-1活性,计算药物对病变的抑制率和半数抑制浓度(50%inhibiting concentration,IC50),并从药物对细胞的保护,对病毒增殖的影响及对病毒感染细胞的综合作用3个方面初步探索苦丁茶提取物抗HSV-1病毒活性的机理。
No cytopathic effect (CPE) can be observed for CSFV when cultured in vitro on host cells though serious damages occur in many tissues and organs for in vivo infection in pigs.
猪瘟病毒感染造成机体多种组织损伤,但在离体培养细胞中通常不产生致细胞病变效应(cytopathic effect, CPE),对猪瘟病毒致病机制的研究,因为缺少合适的细胞研究模型而进展缓慢。
Objective To observe Cytopathic Effect of wild-type mump viruses in Vero/SLAM cell and identify genotype in a mump outbreak in 2008.
目的对吉林省2008年一起流行性腮腺炎(腮腺炎)爆发疫情进行病原学监测,观察是否出现典型的致细胞病变效应(Cytopathic Effect,CPE),并进行病毒核酸和基因型鉴定。
In this article,research advances in BVDV were described systematically,including the structure and function of BVDV virion,replication cycle and polyprotein cleavage,cytopathic effect and immune escape mechanism.
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