Objective:To investigate the predictive value of non stress test(NST) to the outcome of perinatals in idiopathic oligohydramnios pregnancies.
目的 :探讨无应激试验 (NST)对特发性羊水过少围生儿预后的预测价值。
Clinical significance of umbilical artery blood S/D value and fetal heart non-stress test in evaluation prognosis of fetus;
Objective To study the status of non-response to HBV vaccine and the factors of non-responders with HBV vaccine in Guangdong province.
It further analyzes the distribution of unit non-responses and item non-responses in these studies,and cautions that non-response rate has reached such a high level that it will cause estimation bias.
Objective To analyze characteristics of low and non response state in children with yeast derived hepatitis B vaccination.
目的 探讨中小学生接种酵母重组基因工程乙型肝炎疫苗后低、无应答反应的情况。
The application of stressless construction control in Songhuajiang cable-stayed bridge;
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