For some drugs, this variability may account for one half or more of the total variation in eventual response.
Eventually the new energy-producing reactions run out of fuel.
Nuclear reactors might be used to melt frozen gases and eventually build up the atmosphere.
16.4 Members shall report without delay to the Committee all preliminary or final anti-dumping actions taken.
16.4 各成员应立刻通知委员会其采取的所有初步或最终反倾销行动。
There was a long silence on the stage, and then the penny finally dropped-he was supposed to be speaking!
On Effects of Several Reaction Parameters upon Silicon Nano-Particles Final Sizes;
The mayor stood out against the idea for so long that the Council gave away.
finally restored order in the reBellious provinces.
Reaction cannot ultimately prevail.
Turning towards Justice and Virtue---the Final Choice of Strategy of Anti - terrorism;
Side effects of global warming include melting polar ice,rising sea levels and other environmental reactions that ultimately affect plants and animals.
Increasing the relative humidity of the gas significantly increased the initial reaction rate and the ultimate Ca utilization of the sorbent.
25.11 Members shall report without delay to the Committee all preliminary or final actions taken with respect to countervailing duties.
25.11 各成员应立刻通知委员会其对反补贴税采取的所有初步或最终行动。
But only recently did my colleagues and I finally clarify major details of what exactly went on inside one of those ancient reactors.
If the definitive anti-dumping duty is higher than the provisional duty paid or payable, or the amount estimated for the purpose of the security, the difference shall not be collected.
Wrey added that the unions will be involved until the final design decision is made and that the staff reaction so far has been very positive.
The direct financial cost of the accident to the utility was very large, in excess of $1 billion even if the damaged reactor eventually can be put back into service.
Let it be known that this is something of a first draft and should not be considered the end-all-be-all of Mage feedback.
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