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longitudinally covered insulation是什么意思



1)longitudinally covered insulation,纵包绝缘2)longitudinal insulating machine,绝缘纵包机3)longitudinal insulation,纵绝缘4)graded insulation,纵绝缘5)manually wound insulation,手包绝缘6)Filament winding insulation,绕包绝缘


    The gradient voltage of electric power transformer under the action of lightning is analysed,and it is pointed out that theoretical analysis can only discover its regularity,and the structural data of longitudinal insulation of an actual coil should be checked and verified against experimental results.


    For the longitudinal insulation electric field.


    A study presented here is carried out to establish an optimal mathematical model for graded insulation design of the large power transformer.

    针对电力变压器纵绝缘结构优化设计 ,建立了纵绝缘结构优化设计数学模型 ,并借助遗传算法这一智能计算工具对连续—内屏蔽式变压器的纵绝缘分区结构设计进行了优化 ,取得了令人满意的结

    2 generator stator, the paper describes how, with the external electric potential testing method, manually wound insulations could be checked for faults and how latent insulation faults of the generator stator were handled and cleared away.

    简述梅县发电厂 2号发电机定子端部手包绝缘存在的缺陷 ,用电位外移测量法可检查出发电机定子端部不合格的手包绝缘 ,从而消除发电机定子端部绝缘隐患。