By measuring the foils activity,the integral and differential neutron fluence spectra of the whole energy range(10 -4 eV~18 MeV)in irradiation chamber were available w.
通过测定各箔的活化率 ,运用迭代法中的直接偏差最小法和应用较广的SAND Ⅱ ,求解了辐照腔待测点全能区 (1 0 -4 eV~ 1 8MeV)微分和积分中子注量谱。
Active foils, HPGe y spectrometer, general SANDⅡ method were exploited to calculate and measure the neutron flux energy spectrum to satisfiy requirements of users.
A parametrized approach for resolving the neutron flux spectrum;
A cadmium-binding protein has been firstly purified from cadmium-exposed Agrocybe cylindracea cultures by BioCAD 700E perfusion chromatography workstation.
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