Ohjective: To study the morphological aspects corresponding to the complex electrophysiological signs of dual (multi) -pathway and reentry of the atrioventricular node (AVN) area.
The present rock association of the UHP terrane in Dabie-Sulu region, China results from the result of source UHP rocks rebuilt by retrogressive metamorphism, tectonics, anatexis during the exhumation.
大别—苏鲁超高压地体现今的岩石组合是超高压变质岩石经历快速折返过程中各种地质作用叠加改造的最终产物 ,其中拆沉、底侵、构造体制转换是改造的动力 ;退变质作用、构造置换、深熔作用是改造的主要方式 。
A reversal flow bristle assembly classifier is a novel two-stage mechanical classifier, in which bristle assemblies activate a rotary flow, a pored canister is used to distribute gas and particles peripherally, a taper to accelerate particles downwards, and particles are collected in two step in different cabinets.
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