A LDA pumped Nd∶YLF regenerative amplifier has been developed, which works at wavelength of 1053 nm and repetition rate of 1 Hz.
研制了一台激光二极管列阵 (LDA)抽运的Nd∶YLF再生放大器。
In this paper, a flashlamp pumped Cr∶LiSAF (Cr∶LiSrAlF 6) regenerative amplifier was developed to amplify chirped light pulses which were stretched from 80 fs to 103 ps.
设计了灯抽运Cr∶LiSAF(Cr∶LiSrAlF6)飞秒再生放大系统 ,对 80fs光脉冲 (展宽后约 10 3ps)进行了再生放大研究 ,获得了再生放大的输出能量与输入能量和放大倍率与放大往返次数间的关系 ,得到了 8× 10 5的放大倍率和 0 4mJ的单脉冲再生放大输
The stability of a Ti∶sapphire regenerative amplifier (RGA) operating at 1056 nm has been discussed, and the stable amplified pulses have been obtained in an experimental Ti∶sapphire RGA.
On the basis of calculation and analysis on femtosecond amplification gain saturation and femtosecond pulse stretching, we believe it is possible to achieve moderate energy femtosecond regenerative amplification without stretcher if the amplifying cavity parameters is optimized and the pumping pulse energy is changed.
通过飞秒放大增益饱和理论及飞秒脉冲展宽的理论计算与分析 ,指出在优化放大腔结构参数及改变抽运光能量情况下 ,可以在省略展宽器基础上实现中等能量的飞秒脉冲再生放大 。
Bu using a regenerative amplifier with folded standing wave resonator, laser diode array (LDA) pumped regenerative amplification of single longitudinal mode laser pulse with high stability is realized.
详细研究了单纵模激光脉冲从注入到再生放大过程中脉冲的建立过程 ,采用折迭驻波腔结构的再生放大器 ,实现了激光二极管列阵抽运的高稳定单纵模激光脉冲的再生放大 ,获得了总增益为 1 2× 10 7的高增益放大。
The single pass gain of the chirped pulse in Ti∶sapphire regenerative amplifier changes with radius of the pumping beam or radius of the signal beam.
Advancement of regenerative pulse amplifier and high power laser facilities;
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