The poem which uses words to express one s emotion becomes the first and guiding principle of china poetry,but this kind of lyricism is controlled and limited with reserved and refined sentiment and also expressed the beauty of emotion and reason.
We discuss t-norm and implications on I() based on left-continuous t-norm and right-continuous implications on .
The paper introduces several methods of proof about formula implication: truth table method;equivalent performing mathematical calculations method;direct method;indirect method and so on.
Simplify the axiom system of lattice implication algebras , which was given by Y.
给出的格蕴含代数的公理系统 ,并给出另一个公理系统。
Lingering Emotion,Refined and Implicit--brief analysis of love poem by LI Shang-yin;
深情绵邈 蕴藉含蓄──解析李商隐的爱情诗
Tactfulness, Reservedness and Refinedness-On the Clever Use of "Xing" in The Book of Songs;
On Language Literature Features of "The Book of Rites";
含蓄蕴藉 典雅凝炼——《礼记》语言的文学特征浅探
Farewell with Tender Heart --On Discussion the Artistic Characteristics of Wang Wei s Poems of Expressing the Sorrow of Separation;
The Artistic Feature of "express ideal through object" IN LIU Zong-yuan s Essay Yong Zhou Ba Ji;
含蓄蕴藉 寄托幽深——柳宗元“永州八记”的托物言志艺术
An implicit and wonderful language view;
Expression of Implicit Beauty out of Poem--On aesthetic pursuit of Wang Shizhen s poem with beautiful rhythms;
On Pregnant Beauty of Li Qingzhao s Poetry;
不知酝藉几多香 但见包藏无限意——论李清照词的含蓄美
The form of English implicit negation is positive, but in fact it contains negative meaning.
but his paintings have a strong Chinese flavor with poetic and inferred understandings.
Frank and implicit--The art manifestation form of folk songs"Xin Tian You"in north Shanxi province;
率直:直抒胸臆 含蓄:意蕴无穷——陕北民歌“信天游”艺术表现浅析
an implicit answer [ threat ]
Richness and Colorfulness--Linguistic Characteristic of Wu Yue Chun Qiu;
丰蔚蕴藉 多姿多彩——《吴越春秋》的语言特色
Concentrated History and Deep Implication: a Rereading of You You Lu Ming by Bai Hua;
浓缩的历史 深广的蕴藉——重读白桦的《呦呦鹿鸣》
Imaginative,Indirect,Fresh and Beautiful--a basic research on aesthetics of Su Shi s love ci;
空灵蕴藉 婉转清丽——苏轼爱情词审美浅探
There is No Ending --On the Vacancy and Implied Beauty of shen chongwens Novels;
Poetic Aesthetics--Analysis on the Poetic Image
Silence will carry your voice like the nest that holds the sleeping birds.
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