A regularization method for determining the source term in a heat equation;
Study on convergence to steady state of the time splitting method for conservation laws with source terms;
Comparison between two Lattice Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook models for diffusion equation with source term;
Selection of source item in diffusion model and its numerical test;
The article is deemed to provide a preliminary calculation of the source item of reactor coolant and solid radwaste,whose basis is various elements of the spent fuel and minitype reactor decommissioning.
Flux balance method for shallow water equation with source terms;
Numerical investigation of IGVC(Improved Group Velocity Control) scheme for the hyperbolic conservation laws including source terms is discussed in this paper.
The mathematical model of this problem is a one-dimensional linear advection-dispersion-reaction equation, which source term is F(x,t)=λ(t)δ(x-s), where the source term denotes one point source pollution which changes with time.
In the modeling process, the control-volume method is introduced to discretize the algebraic equations, and the added source term method is used to solve the rapidly iterative convergence problem of a non-linear model.
为了研究电渣重熔中凝固过程对钢锭质量的影响,建立了大型电渣重熔过程钢锭凝固过程动态快速响应数学模型 利用控制容积积分法离散数学模型方程,采用附加源项法解决非线性模型方程快速迭代收敛问题 应用该模型预测的温度场及金属熔池形状同实验结果吻合较好 针对一典型大钢锭凝固过程动态温度分布及熔池形状进行了模拟分析,结果表明,当钢锭高度线性增加,而重熔钢锭锭高与直径之比超过1 1时,钢锭熔池形状基本稳定;在低熔铸速度阶段,熔铸速度对最大液池深度的影响不大;当熔铸速度增加时,熔铸速度对最大液池深度的影响有增大倾
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