A method of space source number feature extraction and automatic recognition for underwater targets;
Usually in blind source separation(BSS) and estimation of the source number, the condition is very difficult to satisfy that the number of sensors must be more than or equal to the number of the sources for complex systems.
Data organization of spatial data cube on multi-source data for digital city;
Analytical research of spatial data cube on multi-source data for digital city;
Use of multi-source data in national defence traffic mapping;
Objective Basing on the non proportional spatial distribution of air contaminant, using spatial analysis methods of Geographic Information System (GIS) to find out the new way to deal with point based data.
目的 根据大气污染物在空间分布不均匀的特点 ,利用地理信息系统 (GIS)空间分析方法 ,探索优化利用点源数据的新途径。
Study on temporo-spatial distribution of eruption of the Tianchi Volcano in Changbaishan Mountain by multisource data fusion;
The necessity of multisource data was analyzed from the aspect of civil engineering road plan and design.
Along with development of the networked manufacturing technique and resources research thorough,the question of the resources data exchange appears prominently.
The two approaches,based on Bootstrap and heuristic algorithms,were proposed for developing source number detection methods.
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