Because the structural design requires the base pretensioned and post-grouting,the embedded part of the base used bolts,anchor plate,corrugated pipe and injected pipe.
This paper introduces the damage reason with tract foundation under 120 tons converter and presents the restructuring plan, which include resolving the loose problem about tract foundation under converter, orbit deformation and the out-of-gear between the built-in fitting and concrete.
Research on Repairing Concrete s Crack Through Embedded Pipe;
The turbine base frame operating layer of a 600 MW coal-fired unit is a complicated reinforced concrete structure,marked by dense steel bars and strictly required construction accuracy of various embedded parts,directly-buried bolts and embedded pipes.
Repairing concrete crack through embedded pipe is a new attempt in the field of structure repairing and a preparation for a kind of intelligent concrete with self-healing capability.
Preformed inserts were made of two kinds of common used materials and made in two different structures.
研究了某地面雷达天线罩所使用的含有预埋件的玻璃钢蜂窝夹层结构的强度 ,其中预埋件由雷达天线罩常用的两种不同材料制成 ,选用了两种不同的预埋件的形式。
Design and construction of embedded parts of hydraulic architecture;
There are a large number of embedded parts in industrial buildings.
To prevent free conducting particle from levitating or clinging onto the spacer surface,the diverging plate electrode system was established to investigate the deactivation effect of the inserted metal electrode on the particle in gas insulated system (GIS).
Construction organization of the sluice gate and embedded parts of the Zuojiang multi-purpose dam project;
Installation of the main embedded parts for verical spindle impulse turbine with a double jet;
Via the MTS, the structure is designed including the general analysis, check of composite beams, design of studs of composite beams, design of embedded parts and design of beam column connection etc.
介绍了一个有代表性的多高层钢结构住宅项目的工程概况和结构体系 ,应用MTS软件进行结构分析设计、组合梁的验算和优化、组合梁的栓钉设计、钢结构节点设计、预埋件的设计情况以及所得主要技术指标 ,最后对多高层建筑钢结构设计的特点进行了分
Through analgzing the features,formation causes and harm of common quality defects of wharf s embedded members,we put forward corresponding measures,by which a satisfactory result has been achieved.
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