Improvement of connectivity sieve algorithms for disassembly AND/OR graph;
By comparing three models of Connection graph, Direct graph and AND/OR graph, the paper points out the merits and shortcomings of each model.
Research on decomposition and transformation of complex decision problem based on cloud and/or tree;
This paper formalizes a product structure with related characteristics based on AND/OR tree,and shows that the employment of this formalization can achieve a more flexible BOM design.
This paper systematically describes the model of an AND/OR network as well as a feasibility testing algorithm for AND/OR precedence constrained task scheduling.
The process consists in building the operation rule tree with the help of and/or tree according to the operation task, and decomposing it into sub-trees, from which the feasible operation series is extracted to realize the transformation of the status of the specific device from the initial status into goal status.
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