Estimation of effectiveness factor on a Pd/C catalyst;
Internal diffusion and effectiveness factors of Pd/C catalyst for purification of terephthalic acid;
Based on approximate solutions for diffusionreaction problems,the mathematical expressions for calculating effectiveness factor of immobilized enzyme were proposed.
通过求解固定化酶扩散 反应微分方程,可以得到固定化酶有效因子,而有效因子是固定化酶反应系统设计和模拟的重要参数,也是评定固定化酶系统性能优劣的重要因素之一。
Study on catalyst effective factor of the cooxidation of mixed thiols in gas-liquid-solid reaction system;
Calculate the effective factor of catalyst.
Based on the labeling and growing algorithm mentioned in document 2, this paper introduces the estimation of direction factor, and uses the algorithm with the spiral algorithm in the digital image processing part of TV monitor system.
A new mode direction factor to judge the torsion mode is defined in the paper.
本文探讨合理振型数的确定及扭转振型判定 ,提出了特征参数法控制振型数 ,并与有效质量进行比较 ;定义了新的振型方向因子来判定扭转振型。
Based upon the conception of the least loop,the most loop and direction factor presented by the author firstly,the algorithm of searching out the least and most loops has been designed.
提出了最小回路、最大回路和方向因子的概念 ,基于方向因子构造了最小回路、最大回路搜索算法。
This new algorithm adopts the group-mem-ber-node-driven method to create the tree and adds the orientation factor to the probability function,which enables the ant to get rid of the i.
The orientation factor and the transfer of routing information between clusters were obtained by the algorithm to reduce the search blindness and improve the routing efficiency.
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