This paper summarizes the characteristics of his works with thin, hard, cold, and analyses his article tendency in portraying figures, describing things, using language and creating the atomsphere of the scene.
鲁迅的作品是常读常新的 ,本文以瘦、硬、冷概括了鲁迅作品的艺术特征 ,分析了鲁迅在人物塑造、景物描写、语言运用、气氛营造等方面的创作倾向。
Comrade Deng Hsiao-ping discussed the importance of spirit civilization construction with the word “rigid”.
邓小平同志用“硬”来阐明精神文明建设的重要性 ,不仅很形象 ,而且包含深刻的内在规定性。
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