Zhang Yimou s Symbolism Factor in Film;
This paper presents an analysis on the effects of the three main factors influencing the long-term keeping of archives films, namely the temperature, the relative humidity and the acidity of room atmosphere, on the preservation quality of films.
The dissertation chooses the style of 1930’s film as the objection, the brief reason is that it deviated from the principle of“swordsmen and supernatural being”in 1920’s, restarted the direction and development of Chinese film, and promoted the style of post war’s film, encouraged the Chinese film’s style to the stage of abundance and mature.
Checking but not Exposing Ugly: On the Movies of Zhang Yimou from the Angel of Aesthetic View;
His movies have frequently won big prizes in the International Movie Festival and he has set an example to the Chinese homemade movies.
Motion picture film archives are very precious archives of a country,they are divides mainly into two categories:firstly,film original materials,i.
This paper outlines its principle and use for color film storage.
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