Sharing progressive die design for homogeneous plural pinouts punching;
Taking QFP44L products as a example, a new type of trolley bending-extension mould for π shaped leading wire feet forming was introduced in this paper.
以QFP44L产品为例 ,介绍一种新型滚轮打弯π形引线脚成形模具 ,模具采用轴承滚轮机构 ,无擦伤 ,回弹小 ,并与QFP44L切筋模、分离模、90°折弯模、切边、整形模同时在1台冲切机上工作 ,辅以自动送料机构 ,完成全自动冲切。
This article expatiates the lead-foot-line reciprocation method and its usages from the two sides of cathode lead-foot joint reciprocation and deflexion loop down-lead reciprocation.
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